Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Doon Series Review

Okay Everyone! Thanks for dealing with my extended absence recently. I had a state test that had to be passed (yay I got my CNA!) but I've also been dealing with some pretty bad health issues. I am so sorry for being gone, but I had to take care of me that way I can keep blogging at all!

For this post, it's going to be a bit different from a regular review. I haven't had a chance to thoroughly review Shades of Doon or Forever Doon individually, but I will! (Stay tuned!) but I'm honor of the amazing release day of Forever Doon the final book in the Doon series, I am going to give an overall series review! It won't have any spoilers, except maybe a few from the first book! And away we go!

My love letter to Doon:

Before I'd started the Doon series, I had just finishing watching Outlander and couldn't help wanting more Scottish YA. After awhile of strolling the interwebs I found Sasha's post about Doon. That being said, I had super high expectations of Doon going into it! I basically thought it was going to be the same story lines from Outlander, but I was wrong and not in a bad way. I liked how different the two stories are. Both have amazing swoony romance and hot Scottish men, but Outlander is not Doon. I felt like I wanted to actually be in Doon, whereas I'd prefer not to travel to the outlander world. Doon feels so homey to me and that's what has kept me coming back since book one. Being able to see the changes in the culture and people of Doon throughout the series has been wonderful. It's felt like I've changed and grown too. 

The characters from Doon are absolutely some of my favorites. Veronica and MacKenna are very different when it comes to their thinking and approaching a situation, but flatter each other greatly. I never felt forced to read either of their POVs, which is often a problem for me. I also really loved the new POVs in Forever Doon! I won't tell you who if you don't already know, but it's been a long time coming for their side of the story. The hardships that MacKenna and Duncan go through as a couple is so believable and hurt me to read. I was mended by the end of Destined for Doon. 

The plot never felt forced or like it dragged behind. The series is overall a very quick and fun read. It's full of romance, Scottish princes, adventure, brave female leads, and of course my favorite pop culture references! I might have to do a separate post with some of my favorite ones. I am very happy I picked this series up and am sad that it's finally coming to a close. 

I was worried that Forever Doon would not give me the satisfaction or closure I needed to be able to happily finish the series. I was surprised when it did just that. Lorie and Carey have given a wonderful ending to a story and world that I want to keep visiting. Doon will always have a special place in my heart. 

On that note, I am very happy for its release into the wild today! Everyone should go pick it up and cross the bridge one more time. I'm glad I did. 

Comment all of your thoughts on the Doon series. Did you love it as much as me? Dreading the final chapter? Subscribe and make sure you don't miss it when I review Shades of Doon and Forever Doon separately! 

Also I'm sorry for the lack of pictures and links! I'm currently writing this from the doctor's office. :) 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you love this series so much! I receive a free copy of the first book a few summers ago from my library's summer reading program, but I haven't read it yet. Now that the final book is out, I think I might start the series! :)
