So I have some exciting news. I'm participating in this year's Book Blogger Love-a-Thon hosted by Alexa Love Books, The Novel Hermit, Stay Bookish, and The Daily Prophecy. I'm starting a tad bit late today, but only because what college student gets up before noon on a Saturday anyways? No, but seriously my homework is killer. Anyways, to start things off I'm going to be answering a questionnaire for you all to get to know me a little better. Here we go!

1. What's your name?
Cas, duh. If you couldn't tell from it being in almost all of my posts so far. Anyways, it's nice to meet all of you.
2. Where in the world are you blogging from?
Currently, my boyfriend's dorm room. Not so glamorous.
3. How did you get into blogging in the first place?
I've wanted to make a blog for a while now, but I just haven't had enough time. Still kind of don't have enough time, but I just love reading. People ask what I do besides read and it takes me forever to think of other things I enjoy doing..oops. I think being able to connect with other readers and rave and rant and let out all of the feels from the books is a fun thing to do, so I give you this blog.
4. How did you come up with your blog name?
So for those of you who don't know, my blog name is the same as my bookstagram name and my semi-personal twitter page.When I originally thought of the name, I was reading...*pause for dramatic effect* Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas, and the name just kind of hit me, so I ran with it.
5. What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?
Well so far I haven't posted any reviews (don't worry they're coming), but I see it primarily being a lot of what I already read like fantasy and lots and lots of YA fiction.
6. What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?
Well, I plan on trying to have some author interviews, lots of book news (especially about preorder swag and the signings I'll be going to), but also just talking about books that I'm excited for being they get released.
7. Best blogging experience so far?
I'm going to be completely honest, seeing the page view counter increase has been kinda fun to watch. I text my roommate every time it goes up. But also meeting lots of new blogger friends is super fun.
8. Favorite thing about the blogging community?
EVERYONE IS SO NICE. Literally, the blogging community (and the reader community in general) is super nice and friendly. Yay for introverts.
9. Name five books you're most excited for this 2016?
Just five? Oh boy, now it's time to pick favorites. (in no particular order)
- A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas because honestly who doesn't love her? I definitely already have that gorg tote bag preordered. If you want one too, then click here
- The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye. It's going to be her debut book, but I'm super excited go check it out if you haven't yet. Also, there's some lovely preorder stuff you need to check out! The more people who order the more swag we all get, just like playing The Tsar's Game
- So this one I know is already out, but I DON'T HAVE IT YET, so no spoilers please. I'm super excited for The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine. I've had my copy ordered for a while now, but since I bought it signed and personalized through Parnassus Books at one of her events, I had to have it shipped to my house that I don't go home to until next month. It's waiting for me and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Little known fact is that I consider C.J. to be my first real author friend. She followed me on twitter before Defiance came out and sent me an iBooks copy of it, but I never got to read it then because I broke that phone (it decided to go swimming). Anyways, even though I know she doesn't DM me on twitter or text me (because if I just randomly had her number that would be creepy right?), I still consider her the first author friend I've had. (I just got a physical copy of Defiance and I'm unbelievably happy about it)
- Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. Okay, so Cassandra was the very first author signing I ever went to. It was for the release of Clockwork Prince, so I have that and City of Bones signed, which are my treasures. Her writing and world building is so amazing and I cannot wait to be transported back into the Shadowhunter world.
- Lastly, but certainly not least is A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab. I cannot contain my excitement for having more about Kell and Rhy. I'm working through A Darker Shade of Magic now actually. (the review will be up as soon as I'm done pinky promise). Also as a side note I will be going to one of her signing events whoo! To see if she's coming near you, with other guest authors, check it out here Red London, possibly White London
Ugh, again with picking just five! It's like trying to pick favorite children. (I do NOT have children by the way. I can't deal with screaming little ones.)
- The Elite by Kiera Cass. So shamefully, I've met Kiera twice now and only have The Selection read. I read it in one day and it was wonderful. I liked the story. I did NOT like Celeste. ugh please just eliminate her already, so I want to try to finish this series this year.
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I've met Leigh like six times now because she's been to like every festivals I've ever gone to. I love love love the Grisha trilogy. The powers and the way the characters are written is amazing. You know what else I love about the Grisha trilogy? THE DARKLING. I know, I know. He's the villian. "Make me your villian." but swoon, I can't help it.
- Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. I've heard so many good things about this series. I love time travel to start off with. Whibbly whobbly, timey whimey. But also, I love Scotland, like most bookish people do. (cool side fact, my boyfriend is related to a previous king of Scotland, I totally OMG-ed). I hope to start this series really soon.
- Speaking of Scotland, I want to read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon this year. I've seen the first half of season one and *swoon* so much goodness in one story I can't even contain myself. (I might rewatch it today now that I think about it). But you can obviously see my issue with reading Outlander right now. That thing is massive, or at least compared to the smaller books I can get through while at school. I'm going to save it probably for this summer and enjoy reading it outside while traveling *figuratively* through the Scottish Highlands.
- Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas. I've had zero time to read it since it came out. I still need to read the Assassin's Blade first, which is why I've put off reading this soul crusher. I absolutely love Aelin and I guessed about the ship spoiler in Heir of Fire, and I don't know how it will play out, but I do like the idea of them being together.
Okay, so that's about it for now, I think that seems like a rather long post. I'll be more active this weekend as I continue with the Love-a-Thon. Feel free to leave comment and tell me about what you want to read or how you feel about anything I haven't read yet!
Nice to meet you! i also can't wait for the Crown's Game. It sounds so good!
ReplyDeleteKrystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I cannot wait for acomaf & lady midnight!! acotar & anything shadowhunters are my favorites <3
ReplyDeleteIt's a pleasure to meet a fellow Sarah J. Maas fan! Her novels are some of my all-time favorites, and I'm constantly talking about them with other people ;) (Love that your blog name is inspired by one of her books, by the way.) I definitely hope you get to read QOS soon, and The Assassin's Blade as well! And Six of Crows, because it was FABULOUS. And The Shadow Queen, because it's my favorite fantasy so far this year. Whew, okay. Enough with the book recs. I'm so glad you signed up to join the Love-a-thon, and hope you have fun!
ReplyDeleteHello! Love-A-Thon hopping. :)
ReplyDeleteHello! Love-A-Thon hopping. :)